40m Loop Ground Wire Test

In the name of science I cut the wire laying on the ground underneath my 40m fullwave horizontal loop to see what would happen.

Assemble the 6m LFA Yagi

Elements on boom, the LFA is ready to clamp tight and use.

This final installment about the 6m LFA Yagi Antenna shows the technique to hold copper pipes to the boom using home center PVC plumbing materials.

Copper 6m Coplanar LFA Yagi-Uda

Azimuth Plots of LFA Yagi-Uda with and without feedline

The Coplanar Loop Fed Array (LFA) Yagi-Uda design from G0KSC provides an excellent design foundation for an all copper version of a 3 element 6m balunless beam with superior front to back performance. Shown are comparisons between model simulations and prototype measurements.