UHF connector improvements

W0QF's test setup

Cutaway examinations, mathematical calculations, VNA measurements and proposed compensation techniques round out a nice article by W0QE about the UHF connector.

Help Hamradio.me remove the ads

All, The time has come to change the way this web site operates and considering removing the ads plus completely revamping the format to include support for portable devices. I would never go the route of some web sites with numerous pop up ads and other very disruptive behaviors.  However, the revenue from advertising continues … Read more

Kentucky Packet Network

KYPN - "Packet Radio never died, it just evolved"

Hear ye o wielders of the electro-magnetic magic, the chronicles of KYPN doth transcribe packet radio that serveth thine brethren yet toucheth the Internet not.

KX4O 1B-Battery VA Field Day 2015

The 20m AHVD and 40m small loop antennas during KX4O 1B VA field day.

Despite a weak battery and few contacts, our 1B-Battery effort verifies a 40m small-loop and packet-radio NTS messaging using quick deploy antennas.